New Car Landing



Information Architecture, Customer Retention




Edmunds' New Car Listing pages are a veritable gold mine, attracting hordes of traffic to the site. With comprehensive information on every car available in America, these pages had immense potential to drive users deeper into the site. However, as users clicked through, the traffic flow out of the listing pages was underwhelming. We realized that something had to change. Should we focus on keeping users on the listing page, streamlining the lead generation process and increasing conversions? Or should we offer a wealth of information spread over multiple pages, each with its own lead generation opportunity, ultimately leading to higher ad revenue?

We were determined to find the answer and revolutionize the user experience for Edmunds' legion of car enthusiasts.


  • Reorganize and enhance the categorical layout of each piece of information on the main landing page that speaks to user need.

  • Encourage a user to want to get exact pricing which, in turn, would increase lead generation.

  • Once this page is built it will inspire information and site design for the remainder of the new car buying process.


After a significant transformation of the Used Car experience, I eagerly joined a dynamic and committed team as an Innovative Designer to spearhead this project. With a multi-month timeline, our team met frequently with high-level stakeholders, product and project leads, UX professionals, and data analysts. As an Innovation Designer, my task was to leverage my prior research and design insights to produce fresh layouts rooted in user feedback, rigorous research, and robust team collaboration. Day in and day out, we pushed the boundaries to ensure that our users' needs were not just met, but exceeded.


User Stories

We developed user stories, challenges and needs that conglomerated into an epic user story that we utilized as a foundation to all of our design moving forward.

Discovery Presentations

Every week, teams would present their findings, designs and thoughts to the entire group. The group would then post their thoughts to the design, therefore, giving the smaller teams a new set of eyes on their presentation, possibly strengthen it and definitely giving new perspectives.


Pricing is the backbone of Edmunds, and let's face it, accurate pricing is what the users crave. They rely on our TMV (True Market Value) product, but they also want to get under the hood and see what's driving the price comparisons. They're hungry for more data and more insights, especially when it comes to how we stack up against our competitors. But we can't just dump a heap of information on their laps and expect them to sort it out. No, we needed to be strategic and focus on the user's end goal - finding the perfect car at the perfect price. That meant streamlining the experience, creating a finely tuned filtering and funneling process that not only led customers to the right car but also to satisfy our dealer relationships with more effective leads.

Wireframe Concept

Final Design

Key Takeaways

  • A large team can function very well on a project when divided into breakaways that come together to collaborate and refocus their concepts.

  • While there were many stakeholders, ultimately it was the users who decided what stayed and what was scrapped.

  • Being on the front lines of the interview process created a greater understanding of what users need beyond the metrics of the page. Users often have unseen needs and concerns that are often left forgotten.

  • I've seen my fair share of information-heavy sites. The common strategy has always been to cram as much data as possible onto the page, assuming that more is better. But over time, I've come to appreciate the value of simplicity and restraint. By carefully parsing out the most pertinent information and presenting it in a simplified, streamlined process, we can deliver a more engaging and impactful user experience. This approach not only keeps users engaged, but also leads to higher levels of lead engagement, making it a win-win for everyone involved.


Overhaul Search Flow UX


Used Car Search Overlay